To Send A Donation By Mail, make all donations payable to:

Harlo White Ministries
Outreach Church

P.O. Box 4695
Chicago, Illinois

Text to give phone

Text-To-Give is Going Away!

The last day to use Text-to-Give is February 15, 2024. Please use the donation button above.

Text to Give: 84321

Text-to-Give is a quick, simple way to give online via text message.

When You initiate your first Text-to-Give donation, You will receive A respond with a message that includes a setup link. Tapping this link will take you to your mobile browser, and walk you through these steps:

  1. Find your church: Find “Harlo White Ministries Outreach Church” search by your church's address, city, or ZIP code, and filter results by church name.

  2. Log in to your profile: After choosing a church, enter your name and email address to either create a new donor profile (first time donors), or log in to access their existing donor profile (returning donors).

  3. Add or select a payment method: First-time donors can add a payment method to be used for this initial donation and future donations. Existing donors can log in to their profile to select a previously saved payment method. 

  4. Submit the donation: Once you submit A donation, this will initiate that first donation and enable Text-to-Give for future use. 

After setup, simply text your donation amount to 84321 to make an online donation.